
xkcd tells my fortune

I enjoy interpreting symbols, especially introspectively, even when they're a stretch and not to be taken with wholehearted belief. I feel like there's some real value in it though. Although the symbols themselves might not have meanings, my interpretations, which come from myself, probably really do say a little about myself.

I'm now playing with xkcd's interactive comic Emojic 8 Ball and trying to read my fortunes, just for fun.

Q: At the moment, what am I hoping to gain by going to grad school?
A: Radio; City at sunrise or sunset
As for the radio, I'm seeking to become educated. Education will attune myself better to the signals the world is sending out. That is, the signals, the pattens in the world, are already there. They're everywhere, floating in the air. Becoming educated will give me the ability to pick up on them.
I also want to live in a new city for a while.

Q: What part of my story will I work on today?
A: Jester
The story I'm writing has many performers indeed, though none comical. Perhaps subconsciously I have an idea for a performance scene that might become humorous? I'll see.

Q: Which book that I currently have should I read?
A: Fish
This one is quite straightforward: I recently downloaded a public-domain book of Scottish fairy tales. One of the tales I read so far was called "Silver-Tree and Gold-Tree," a story similar to Snow White, except one of the differences was the Queen spoke to a trout, not a magic mirror. When I remarked about this to someone, he said he read some fairy tale, perhaps an Irish one, that also featured a talking fish.

Q: Which book that I currently have should I read after that?
A: Wine
I don't know about this one. A lot of books feature drinking, probably including some books I have that I don't yet know much about. If it had been wine and some water, it could've been The Odyssey

Q: How do I currently feel?
A: Apple
Apples are a popular and prototypical fruit, and I eat them though not being particularly fond of them. While I don't dislike them, I will typically choose other fruits. I suppose I may be feeling not as content as I should given my good situation, or that others would think I should.

That's enough. Maybe I'll have something a bit less frivolous to post about next time.

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